Delivery only possible again after Easter
Please note delivery times

Unfortunately, we have reached our delivery capacity and can only deliver orders received from Good Friday (April 10, 20) after Easter . This applies to all deliveries – Darmstadt and throughout Germany.
You have been so diligent in ordering from us and we really appreciate your support! Thank you! Unfortunately, our capacities are limited these days and we can only process a limited number of orders. We are very sorry about this and ask for your understanding.
However, we want to communicate this situation fairly with you:
Orders that we receive from Good Friday can only be processed and delivered again from Tuesday, April 14th, 2020. Then our usual delivery times apply: within Darmstadt* we can deliver on the same day and shipping throughout Germany as a DHL package usually takes 1-2 working days.
* Our delivery area in Darmstadt includes the following zip code areas: 64283, 64285, 64287, 64293, 64295, 64289, 6429 and 64297. We have to send orders to other areas in the Darmstadt-Dieburg district as a DHL package and the DHL order times apply Packages.
We would like to apologize again for this unforeseen situation and thank you for your wonderful support in this crisis situation!
Have a nice Easter and stay healthy,